Like the Grass Atelier is a collaborative online ‘open studio’ shared by a quartet from South Africa, Switzerland and Germany. The Like the Grass ensemble consists of guitarist Beat Keller, violinist Galina Juritz, harpist Antonia Ravens, and pianist and musical bow player Cara Stacey. As Covid-19 has prevented the group from meeting up and performing together in the past year, Like the Grass Atelier serves as a digital tour through which these improviser-producer-composers create music together and for each other, from their respective cities. Each week (for four weeks in May and June 2021), a new piece of music and accompanying film will be released continuing their exploration of place, musical process, chance, and structure. 'Part One: Process (with a tip of the hat to Brian Eno)' explores the interior world of making: How do ideas germinate? How do we make decisions about sound? How do these sounds find a home in broader structures? For improvisers and composers, the process of collaboration is often unpredictable, humorous and vulnerable, as we step together into the unknown.